Lowongan Kerja Kinderstation School Yogyakarta Posisi Front Office Juni - Juli 2019
KinderStation School is a school that uses English as the primary language of instruction teach knowledge and skill to students with a hands on approach teach thing like math and science using English as the medium of instruction a school that uses not only the DIKNAS curriculum, But the IPC & Singapore Curriculum as well
Lowongan Kerja Front Office
Persyaratan :
1. Wanita
2. Penampilan menarik
3. Pendidikan D3 / S1 Semua jurusan
4. Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang baik
5. Memiliki kemampuan pengorganisasian yang baik
6. Multi tasking
7. bersedia bekerja di bawah tekanan dan deadline
8. Customer Oriented
9. Memiliki basic kasir
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KinderStation School
JL. KH Muhdi Corongan Maguwoharjo Depok Sleman Yogyakarta
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Berlaku hingga 13 Juli 2019