Lowongan Kerja PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk (TEMAS) Terbaru Update
Lowongan kerja PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas (TEMAS) yang kami informasikan di bawah bersumber dari website Jobstreet Temas Tbk (Jobstreet.co.id)
Didirikan di Jakarta pada 17 September 1987, PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas (TEMAS) merupakan perusahaan pertama di Indonesia yang merintis pelayanan pengiriman barang dalam peti kemas melalui jalur laut. Perseroan sangat unggul dan mumpuni dalam pelayanan transportasi peti kemas dan jasa bongkar muat peti kemas serta pengelolaannya dalam skala nasional.
Hal ini semakin diperkuat dengan dukungan dari entitas anak dan afiliasi yang kokoh. Perjalanan Perseroan dalam bisnis ini kian matang, dengan dikukuhkannya tonggak sejarah baru pada tahun 2003 melalui deklarasi TEMAS Line sebagai perusahaan terbuka.
Dengan mencatatkan namanya pada bursa saham dengan kode TMAS, Perseroan menawarkan sebanyak 451.000.000 lembar sahamnya pada 25 Juni 2003. Maka, secara resmi per tanggal 9 Juli 2003, TEMAS Line efektif menjadi perusahaan pengangkutan peti kemas nasional pertama yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia dan berubah nama menjadi PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk.
Informasi Lowongan Kerja PT Pelayaran Tempuran Emas Tbk (TEMAS) Update Februari 2021
Job Qualification:
- Minimal 3 years experiences
- Experienced developing web, mobile, and backend (micro/web-service) application
- Understanding development languange and tools : Java, C#, PHP, Android Studio
- Understand databases : Oracle, SQL Server, Postgresql and My-SQL
- Good Logical Thinking
- Experienced with logistic, shipping or forwarder (company).
Job Description :
- Design and proposed application architecture
- Develop application according to agreed user requirement
- Explore and proposed new technology (Temas non-standard) that can benefit, improve application development.
2. IT Application Development Manager
Job Qualification :
- Candidate must possess at least a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent.
- At least 5 year(s) of working experience in IT System Design, Architecture and Development.
- Excellent Project Management and Leadership skills.
- Ability to communicate effectively with senior management and other departments.
- Understand Shipping Business Process, ERP(back office), Middleware(API), etc.
- Out of box thinking and excellent Analytical skill for problem solving.
- Proven experience as a .NET Developer or Application Developer
- Familiarity with the ASP.NET framework, SQL Server and design/architectural
- Knowledge of at least one of the .NET languages (e.g. C#, ASP/VB .NET) and HTML5/CSS3
- Familiarity with architecture APIs (REST, RPC)
- Understanding of Agile methodologies
Job Description :
- Design and proposed IT system architecture
- Review and analyze user requirement documents
- Manage IT Development team workload to complete IT system development project
- Develop and grooming team member technical and soft skill.
- Explore and proposed new technology to improve application development.
3. Purchasing Staff
Job Description:
- Process and Handle request for Temas Vessels ( Goods & Services)
- Following up payment progress to supplier from finance
- Make sure company get the best price/ quality from vendor
- Make sure goods / services delivered right on time
- Complete the administrative process of purchasing goods
- Following up the payment
- Prepare PO & Invoice
- Make report
Job Requirement:
- Minimum D3 majoring in Logistic&Transportation, Industrial Engineering, or Mechanical.
- Fresh Graduate / Minimum 1 year experience as Purchasing Staff or buyer heavy equipment / sparepart
- Basic English language (Speaking, Writing, and Listening)
- Discipline & Hardworker
- Have good communication skill
- Good attitude and Responsibility
- Have Basic knowledge about purchasing
- Have personal integrity
- Can work under preassure
- Working with team
- Willing to be placed in Sunter, Jakarta Utara
4. Tax Officer - Segera
Requirements :
- Maximum 28 years old
- Bachelor degree in Accounting, Taxation, or similar field, minimum GPA 3.00 Experienced minimum 3 years in tax area, and having certification of brevet A, B, will be an advantage
- Good knowledge and familiar with Indonesia Tax Laws and Regulation Has experience in tax audit, tax objection and tax appeal Fighting spirit, willing to learn, and good working in a team
- Excellent time management High integrity & responsibility Attention to details
Tanggung Jawab :
- Melakukan pemotongan/ pemungutan pajak (pph 4 ayat 2, pph 23, pph 21, dan ppn)
- Rekonsiliasi biaya terhadap pajak (GL vs Pajak)
- Membuat Id biling untuk pembayaran pajak
- Membuat dan melaporkan SPT. Masa dan tahunan pajak
- Rekonsilisasi prepaid pph 23
- Melakukan evaluasi kembali pajak PT
- Mencetak bukti potong untuk diberikan kepada vendor
- Mengurus surat menyurat ke kantor pajak (KPP)

Lamar >> Jobstreet.co.id
*Lowongan di atas bisa tutup sewaktu - waktu apabila posisi sudah terisi
1. Kami hanya share ulang lowongan kerja ini dari sumber yang terpercaya.
2. Lowongan kerja ini GRATIS, tanpa dipungut biaya.
3. Selalu waspada terhadap segala bentuk penipuan.