Lowongan Kerja Segera! Freelance IT Admin PT. Mitra Infoparama
To deliver Customer Requirements, we are supported by Approximately 350 qualified engineers (data taken from 1st Quarter 2017) in all product platforms and managed by qualified platform managers. To cope with the very rapid technology changes, skill development is one of the most Critical Success Factors in order to be the leader in this industry.
We develop our people through the following ways: Have engineers educated overseas where the Brand Owner Education Center located, or assignment in its Development Center to work with developer in the new product and solution.
Send our engineers to the Product Owner skill development program to get certification to meet the Industry Skill Standard. Internal Classes, conducted by MIP senior engineers at MIP Training Center. Local Classes, conducted by local institutions.
Good day teman-teman, mohon bantu up ya!
PT. Mitra Infoparama sedang mencari FREELANCE IT ADMIN (untuk pengganti cuti hamil) dengan kualifikasi:
- Pendidikan minimal SMK/SMA atau setara.
- Pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
- Menguasai MS Office
- Penempatan di Pd. Aren, Tangerang Selatan, Banten
- Berdomisili sesuai penempatan lebih disenangi
Apabila Anda berminat dan sesuai dengan kriteria diatas, mohon segera kirimkan CV Anda pada
email : [email protected]
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3. Selalu waspada terhadap segala bentuk penipuan.