BTN Karir - Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Bank BTN (Persero)

PENTING : Kami selalu berusaha menyajikan Informasi lowongan kerja yang menggunakan metode melamar secara ONLINE, seperti melalui Email, Website resmi perusahaan, E-recruitment, Portal lowongan kerja (Jobstreet, Kalibrr, dll.) serta Google Docs. Ini dikarenakan banyaknya pencari kerja atau yang biasa disebut dengan Jobseeker yang mengeluh karena melamar melalui Offline atau mengirimkan hardfile ke alamat perusahaan bisa menghabiskan uang mereka, seperti membeli amplop, nge-print dan biaya POS!
INFO LOKER BANK BTN - Bulan ini, Bank BTN (Persero) membuka lowongan pekerjaan beberapa posisi. Jika kamu sesuai dengan kualifikasi, diharapkan segera melamar sebelum lowongan ditutup. Informasi lowongan kerja yang kami sampaikan di bawah bersumber dari Official website Bank BTN ( Jadi kami pastikan lowongan kerja ini resmi dan pastinya GRATIS, tanpa ada pungutan biaya selama proses seleksi.
PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk atau biasa disebut Bank BTN merupakan salah satu bank BUMN yang berfokus pada pembiayaan sektor perumahan melalui tiga produk utama, perbankan perseorangan, bisnis dan syariah.
Bank BTN memiliki visi menjadi the best mortgage bank di Asia Tenggara pada tahun 2025. Misi dari Bank BTN antara lain Secara aktif mendukung pemerintah dalam memajukan kesejahteraan masyarakat Indonesia melalui kepemilikan rumah; Mewujudkan kehidupan yang diimpikan jutaan rakyat Indonesia melalui penyediaan rumah yang layak; Menjadi home of Indonesia's best talent; Meningkatkan shareholder value dengan berfokus pada pertumbuhan profitabilitas yang berkelanjutan sebagai perusahaan blue chip dengan prinsip manajemen risiko yang kokoh; dan Menjadi mitra keuangan bagi para pemangku kepentingan dalam ekosistem perumahan dengan menyediakan solusi menyeluruh dan layanan terbaik melalui inovasi digital;
Info selengkapnya tentang Bank BTN bisa kamu akses melalui Ingat, pengetahuanmu tentang perusahaan terkait sangat sering ditanyakan oleh HRD saat interview.
Informasi Lowongan Kerja di Bank BTN (Persero)
1. Officer Development Program (ODP) Sharia Banking
❗️Pendaftaran Hingga 04/02/2024❗️
Through ODP Sharia Banking, you have the opportunity to contribute in the sharia work unit. Apart from that, you will also play a role in increasing economic growth in Indonesia.
- Minimum Bachelor's / Master's Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor's Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master's Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Accounting, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Communication Studies, Legal, and Management
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (father/mother/sister/brother)
2. Officer Development Program (ODP) Wealth Management
❗️Pendaftaran Hingga 04/02/2024❗️
Through ODP Wealth Management, you have the opportunity to work in the field of investment planning according to the customer profile and the goals desired by the customer. Apart from that, you will also have an important role in supporting the achievement of the Bank's overall business goals.
- Minimum Bachelor's / Master's Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor's Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master's Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Economy, Business Administration, Civil Engineering, Communication Studies, and International relations
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
3. Officer Development Program (ODP) Auditor
❗️Pendaftaran Hingga 04/02/2024❗️
Through ODP Auditor, you will be faced with the phenomenon that as a business develops, Internal Control is required and you have a role as a strategic business partner to support the Bank in achieving business goals.
- Preferably have at least 1 (one) year experience in Public Accounting Firm (KAP)
- Minimum Bachelor's / Master's Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- At least 1 year experience in conducting audit process
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor's Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master's Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Accounting, Informatics Engineering, and Legal
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
4. Officer Development Program (ODP) Wholesale and Finance
❗️Pendaftaran Hingga 04/02/2024❗️
Through ODP Wholesale and Finance, you play an important role in increasing economic growth in Indonesia by building relationship with customers in providing large-scale costs.
- Minimum Bachelor's / Master's Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor's Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master's Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Accounting, Communication Studies, Civil Engineering, Legal, and Management,
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
5. Officer Development Program (ODP) IT
❗️Pendaftaran Hingga 04/02/2024❗️
Through the Officer Development Program (ODP) Information Technology, you have the opportunity to continue working in building modern digital Bank BTN as well as supporting Bank in achieving its goals
- Minimum Bachelor's / Master's Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Preferably with at least 1 year experience in related field such as IT/Fintech
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor's Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master's Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
6. Officer Development Program (ODP) Business Banking
❗️Pendaftaran Hingga 04/02/2024❗️
Through ODP Business Banking, you have the opportunity to contribute and work in various regions in Indonesia. Apart from that, you will also play a role in increasing economic growth in Indonesia.
- Minimum Bachelor's / Master's Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor's Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master's Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Accounting, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Communication Studies, Legal, and Management
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
7. Customer Service Staff (CS)
❗️Pendaftaran Hingga 04/02/2024❗️
Customer Service Staff (CS) is a recruitment position at the staff level with a role as the front liner in the products information services and banking transaction with excellent service to the costumers.
- Indonesian Citizens
- Single and willing to not marry during 2 years of service bond
- Candidate must be a maximum 24 years old
- Candidate must possess at least Bachelor's Degree with Minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00
- Preferably has pleasant appearance
- Preferably domicile from recruitment area
- Have no family relation with Bank BTN employee such as parents or siblings
- Willing to undergo 3 years of service bond
8. Teller Service Staff (TS)
❗️Pendaftaran Hingga 04/02/2024❗️
Teller Service Staff (TS) is a recruitment position at the staff level with a role as the front liner in the products information services and banking transaction with excellent service to the costumers.
- Indonesian Citizens
- Single and willing to not marry during 2 years of service bond
- Candidate must be a maximum 24 years old
- Candidate must possess at least Diploma 3 with Minimum GPA 3.00 of 4.00
- Preferably has pleasant appearance
- Preferably domicile from recruiment area
- Have no family relation with Bank BTN such as parents or siblings
- Willing to undergo 3 years of service bond
Sekian informasi yang dapat kami sampaikan mengenai lowongan kerja di Bank BTN, Jika kamu sesuai dengan kualifikasi segeralah melamar, Jika tidak sesuai janganlah menyerah, tetaplah semangat mencari pekerjaan impianmu. Jangan lupa beribadah dan berdoa karena rezekimu sudah ada yang mengatur. Jika ditolak olah satu perusahaan berarti memang bukan rezekimu untuk bekerja di sana, Tuhan sudah menyiapkan rezeki yang lain, yang lebih baik untukmu.
Untuk melamar posisi di atas, di bawah ini kami sudah menyiapkan link lamar menuju sumber resminya. Pastikan internet kamu stabil untuk mulai mendaftar. Pastikan lagi bahwa kamu sudah berada di situs yang tepat atau official perusahaan tersebut guna memastikan keamanan data pribadimu.