KCIC Karir - Informasi Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC)
Pada 16 Oktober 2015, konsorsium Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), yang membentuk PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN Indonesia (PSBI), dan konsorsium perusahaan perkeretaapian Tiongkok, melalui Beijing Yawan HSR Co. Ltd membentuk perusahaan patungan yang dinamakan PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC).
Dalam hal ini KCIC menjadi operator Kereta Cepat Whoosh yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan Kereta Cepat Jakarta Bandung (KCJB). Kehadiran Kereta Cepat Whoosh diharap mampu memecahkan berbagai permasalahan nasional, salah satunya mengatasi kepadatan arus transportasi Jakarta-Bandung yang selama ini bergantung pada jalan tol Cipularang (Cikampek-Purwakarta-Padalarang) dan Padaleunyi (Padalarang-Cileunyi). Di samping itu, Kereta Cepat Whoosh juga menjadi jawaban untuk membangun konektivitas antar kota dan antar kawasan demi pertumbuhan ekonomi wilayah dan nasional.
Whoosh ditetapkan sebagai salah satu Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) dalam Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 3 Tahun 2016. Dalam pengembangannya, KCIC beroperasi tanpa bantuan keuangan dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) maupun jaminan Pemerintah Indonesia. Pembangunan proyek Kereta Cepat Whoosh diperoleh dari dana pinjaman China Development Bank (75%). Sedangkan 25% merupakan setoran modal pemegang saham, yaitu gabungan dari PT Pilar Sinergi BUMN Indonesia (PSBI) (60%) dan Beijing Yawan HSR Co. Ltd. (40%).
Komposisi pemegang saham PSBI yaitu PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) 51,37%, PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk 39,12%, PT Perkebunan Nusantara VIII 8,30%, dan PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk 1,21%. Adapun komposisi pemegang saham Beijing Yawan HSR Co. Ltd yaitu CREC 42,88%, Sinohydro 30%, CRRC 12%, CRSC 10,12%, dan CRIC 5%.
Pada 2 Oktober 2023, Presiden Republik Indonesia Joko Widodo meresmikan Kereta Cepat Pertama di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara ini di Stasiun Halim, Jakarta. Peresmian ini menandai telah usainya seluruh pembangunan proyek kereta cepat di Indonesia dan mengenalkan nama baru dari Kereta Cepat di Indonesia yaitu Whoosh (Waktu Hemat, Operasi Optimal, dan Sistem Hebat).
Setelah diresmikan, Kereta Cepat Whoosh masih menawarkan perjalanan tanpa biaya untuk masyarakat bertajuk Whoosh Experience Program. Tujuannya untuk mengenalkan layanan dan aturan-aturan yang diterapkan pada transportasi di Indonesia ini. Lalu pada 17 Oktober 2023, pengoperasian Kereta Cepat Whoosh secara komersial resmi dimulai dimana peresmiannya dilakukan oleh Presiden RI Joko Widodo dan Presiden RRT Xi Jinping di Beijing, RRT.
Informasi Lowongan Kerja PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC)
1. Senior Officer Mobile Apps Programmer
Dibuka sampai 2024-02-16
Job Overview:
- Review, design and improvement of applications business process
- Provide Development Design for Mobile Applications, Integration with ERP or other applications
- Perform programming, development & customization of applications, report and dashboard
- Perform Database configuration, Backup and Restore
- Monitoring, Mantaining, Tuning and Trouble Shooting of Applications
- Provide end-user training, maintenance, development, and troubleshooting of company information system
- Perform regular audits to ensure that the application security and usage are in accordance with company requirement
- Minimum Diploma 3 or University graduates, preferably in Informatics Engineering
- Good computer literate, Windows & Microsoft Office
- Minimum 2 years experiences in developing and implementing Mobile Applications, or Web Application
- In-depth knowledge of at least one programming language such as Swift, Kotlin, React Native, and Flutter.
- Good understanding of SQL Server or Oracle Database, RDBMS, ETL, and Programming (MS Visual Studio C#, PHP or Javascrip).
2. Facility Maintenace Safety Incpector
Dibuka sampai 2024-02-16
Job Overview:
- Monitor the implementation of safety regulations on work equipment and facilities.
- Prepare a list of work equipment and facilities including certification and calibration requirements.
- Carry out and process the results of inspections, supervision and monitoring of safety of work equipment and facilities.
- Record the incident and conduct follow-up investigations.
- Coordinate with related units in terms of implementing certification and calibration of work equipment and facilities.
- Review safety procedures for the use of work equipment and facilities.
- Monitoring the control of hazards related to the safety of work equipment and facilities
- Participate in safety committee activities, especially related to the safety of work equipment and facilities
- Minimum education Diploma 3/Engineering Bachelor’s Degree
- Have experience regarding MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing) min. 3 years
- Have knowledge related to Safety, HIRADC/JSA, Safety Inspection, Emergency Response Plan, Investigation.
- Preferably have knowledge of railways
- Preferably have B/C level Fire Officer certification or General K3 Expert
- Able to operate AutoCAD and MS. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
- Able to work under pressure and willing to work outside working hours
- Have good communication skills
3. Environment Safety Incpector
Dibuka sampai 2024-02-16
Job Overview:
- Manage environmental safety performance plans.
- Manage the list of environmental management training needs.
- Manage the implementation of the company’s environmental management system.
- Carry out and process the results of inspections, supervision, investigations and follow-up monitoring.
- Manage procedures related to environmental management
- Updating the list of legal regulations and environmental issues as well as the results of supervision from the environmental service.
- Monitoring the control of hazards related to environmental issues
- Participate in safety committee activities, especially related to environmental issues
- Minimum education Diploma 3/Engineering Bachelor’s Degree
- Have experience in the environmental min. 3 years
- Have knowledge or have been involved in preparing environmental documents, Waste Management, HIRADC/JSA, Environment Inspection, Emergency Response Plan, Investigation.
- Preferably have knowledge of railways
- Preferably have certification related to the environment / General K3 Expert
- Able to operate MS. Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) and AutoCAD
- Able to work under pressure and willing to work outside working hours
- Have good communication skills
4. Auditor 1
Dibuka sampai 2024-02-16
Job Description :
- Develop and establish an audit program that will be used in the assignment
- Prepare the necessary documents and carry out tests and assessments in accordance with the audit program
- Prepare audit work papers
- Supervise and evaluate the implementation of audits that have been carried out
- Draft audit findings, suggestions for improvement and prevention of irregularities that occur
- Make a report on the Internal Audit Department
Requirements :
- Formal education at least undergraduate from a university with accreditation A / Excellent or recognized by the company
- Have experience as an Audit at least 4 years
- Have a valid and recognized internal audit certification
- Fluent in English both spoken and written
- Have good communication and presentation skills
5. Officer Accounting
Dibuka sampai 2024-02-16
Job Description :
- Monitoring ticket transactions (counter and non counter) via ticket sales database
- Ensure cash transactions at the counter in the sales database are in accordance with the bank account
- Ensure non-cash transactions in the sales database are in accordance with the bank account
- Verifying that all ticket transactions and bank accounts have been recorded
- Ensure ticket transactions, PG, sales database, finance application are in accordance with bank accounts
Requirements :
- Candidate must possess at least a diploma in Accounting, with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
- Fresh graduates are very welcome, nice to have working experience in accounting
- Minimum 20 years old and maximum 30 years old at the time of application
- Unmarried is preferable
- Proficient in using Microsoft Excell application and preferably using applications according to the field of finance
- Have a tax brevet certificate A & B
- Able to work as individual or as a team
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